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The secret to better weather forecasts may be a dash of AI


Google adds machine learning to climate models for ‘faster forecasts’

Climate and weather modeling has long been a staple of high-performance computing, but as meteorologists look to improve the speed and resolution of forecasts, machine learning is increasingly finding its way into the mix.…

Video game actors strike because they fear an attack of the AI clones


You wouldn’t download a performer

Actors are back on strike for an entirely unsurprising reason: Studios aren’t willing to give video game actors enough protection from artificial intelligence. …

Project Management

ECB’s Cyber Security Test Shows ‘Room For Improvement’ For Banks


Banks have been told to work on how they ensure business continuity after a hack.

The post ECB’s Cyber Security Test Shows ‘Room For Improvement’ For Banks appeared first on PM Today.

Jetmaking Industrial Problems Overshadow Orders At Damp Air Show


Many suppliers blame relentless cost cuts or wobbly production targets for weakening the supply chain.

The post Jetmaking Industrial Problems Overshadow Orders At Damp Air Show appeared first on PM Today.


Best Practices for Building the AI Development Platform in Government 


By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  The AI stack defined by Carnegie Mellon University is fundamental to the approach being taken by the US Army for its AI development platform efforts, according to Isaac Faber, Chief Data Scientist at the US Army AI Integration Center, speaking at the AI World Government event held in-person and virtually […]

Advance Trustworthy AI and ML, and Identify Best Practices for Scaling AI 


By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor   Advancing trustworthy AI and machine learning to mitigate agency risk is a priority for the US Department of Energy (DOE), and identifying best practices for implementing AI at scale is a priority for the US General Services Administration (GSA).   That’s what attendees learned in two sessions at the AI […]

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